A A A Staying Alive

2 min readJun 10, 2024


Upon the living room conversation an hour past midnight, I made a remark how awful the world we live in now. But he responded, with a cup of tea in his hand and the most nonchalant tone, I think we are living in a much more advanced life right now after the carriages evolved into planes and vaccines for pandemics are invented within an arguably shorter period of time. I then emphasised, but now the Earth is closer to its death and we’re all in trouble. But he surprisingly had another counter that sounds like if the sunshine were words, it would be it. But the next generations perhaps, would be more equipped in answering the jeopardy we are living right now. It’s us romanticising Earth as if it is something dreamy but weak. Look at us right now, humankind has excelled this far. Earth might be stronger than how we perceive. That moment, as someone who often associated myself as an argumentative person, finally ran out of counter statements. It somehow, comforted me that someone has a certain kind of positive perception that there might be answers, you know. I’m not too sure, though, if the reason why I am running out of words is because I have not been reading much so I do not have enough ammunition in going into a war of conversation with an intellect or it’s just his eyes, or accent, that drowns me into defeat. Either way, I do hope the Earth remains alive so I can have more conversation with him.

Singapore, 2024.

